Fan cowls
Applicable to our ventilation fans we supply fan cowls made of deep-drawn steel in IEC sizes 56 to 355 as well as plastic cowls in IEC sizes 56 to 90.
For flexible adaptation to your motor we manufacture fan cowls of any diameter and length on modern laser and sheet metal machines. It is also possible to create special holes, deviating side holes and slots.
As accessories we offer rain protection hoods for all fan cowls which can be ordered fitted or loose upon request.
The following versions of fan cowls for electric motors are available:
- Standard fan cowls made of deep-drawn sheet steel in IEC frame sizes 56 to 355
- Fan cowls for brake motors (one-piece version) in IEC sizes 56 to 280
- Fan cowls made of plastic in IEC sizes 56 to 90
- Fan cowls in extended version or expanded diameter
- Cylindrical fan cowls according to customer requirements. This makes it possible to adapt to any electric motor brand (in sheet steel, stainless steel or aluminium)
- Fan cowls with welded rain protection hoods in IEC sizes 56 to 315 (special versions > 315)
- Rain protection covers made of deep-drawn sheet steel to be welded onto the fan cowls in IEC sizes 56 to 315
- Fan cowls for the textile industry (without ventilation grill but with cover as protection).
- Closed cowls as protective cap (without ventilation openings)
- Fan cowls are available with or without side bores
- All sheet metal fan cowls and rain hoods are available raw, primed or galvanized
- All sheet metal parts can also be powder coated on request