Absolute Encoder
Incremental encoders and absolute encoders
Incremental and absolute encoders perform similar functions but have different outputs. Incremental encoders only generate pulses during operation by rotation of the shaft.
Absolute encoders measure the position continously as information of 1 and 0 independant whether the encoder moves or not. The exact position is recorded even if the power is turned off.
The structure of a clock explains the working of incremental and absolute encoders. The ticking of a clock corresponds to the incremental output. By counting the ticks it is possible to determine the time but you must have a starting point. The arm of an analogue clock should correspond to the abolute output, then you can read the time (information) directly.
You can change from a absolute to a incremental encoder without a problem. It would be necessary however to modify the software and hardware.

Avtron AV30 Absolute-Encoder – magnetic
- Fits Industry Standard 2.5″, 58 mm and 85 mm Flanges
- Shaft Sizes 1/4″-3/8″ (10 mm-18 mm)
- Directly Replaces Standard Models
- Up to 27 Bit Resolution
- Moisture-Proof, Shock Resistant Magnetic Sensor
- Singleturn or Multiturn
- IP65 Rating
- Bearings 20X Larger Than Standard Encoder!
- No Batteries or Gears!
- -40° to 85°C Operation
- 3 Year No-Hassle Warranty

Avtron AV6A Absolute-Encoder – optical
- Industry Standard 58 mm Size
- Up to 30 Bit Resolution
- Unbreakable Optical Disc
- Singleturn or Multiturn
- IP66 Rating
- Superior Bearings and Seals
- No Batteries
- -40°C to +85°C Operation
- 2 Year No-Hassle Warranty

Avtron AV6M Absolute-Encoder – magnetic
- Standard 36mm and 58 mm Sizes
- Up to 27 Bit Resolution
- Moisture-Proof, Shock Resistant Magnetic Sensor
- Singleturn or Multiturn
- Up to IP69K Rating
- Superior Bearings and Seals
- No Batteries or Gears!
- -40° to 85°C Operation
- 2 Year No-Hassle Warranty

Avtron HS40 Absolute Encoder – magnetic
- Fits Shafts 5/8″-1 1/8″ (16 mm-30 mm)
- Up to 27 Bit Resolution
- Moisture-Proof, Shock Resistant Sensor
- Singleturn or Multiturn
- IP65 Rating
- Massive Bearings, Severe Duty Seals
- No Batteries or Gears!
- -40° to 85°C Operation
- 3 Year No-Hassle Warranty

Avtron HS6A Absolute-Encoder – optical
- Fits Shafts 0.3-0.6″ (8-15 mm)
- Up to 30 Bit Resolution
- Unbreakable Optical Disc
- Singleturn or Multiturn
- IP66 Rating
- Superior Bearings and Seals
- No Batteries
- -40°C to +85°C Operation
- 2 Year No-Hassle Warranty

Avtron HS6M Absolute-Encoder – magnetic
- Suitable for 0.24″-0.59″ (6-15 mm) Shafts
- Up to 27 Bit Resolution
- Moisture-Proof, Shock Resistant Magnetic Sensor
- Singleturn or Multiturn
- IP65 Rating
- Superior Bearings and Seals
- No Batteries or Gears!
- -30° to 85°C Operation
- 2 Year No-Hassle Warranty